
Greeley Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After a motorcycle accident in Greeley, your legal options to seek compensation for your injuries and other damages include filing a personal injury claim or lawsuit.

A motorcycle accident lawyer from Cook, Bradford & Levy, LLC can help you file, answer any questions you have along the way, and provide legal support throughout the process.

Steps To Filing An Injury Claim After A Motorcycle Accident

When you work with a lawyer from our firm, we will handle all the steps for filing your claim and explain each part of the process as we go to ease your concerns.

The following are some of the first steps our team will take to build a strong case and help you receive compensation.

Determining liability

One of the first steps in any accident case involves determining liability. We need to know who to hold accountable for your injuries and other damages that resulted from the motorcycle accident.

If a driver struck you with their car while driving, they may have done something to be liable for your injuries. However, fault in Colorado is determined in percentages, which means you could hold a certain percentage of responsibility as well.

Our team will work to show that the other driver is responsible for your injuries. We will also fight to ensure you are not assigned a higher percentage of fault than you deserve.

Demonstrating negligence

To demonstrate the other driver’s liability, we will have to show that they were negligent at the time of the accident.

‘Negligence’ occurs when someone behaves in a way that does not exercise reasonable care toward others (Legal Information Institute (LII)). In other words, we need to show that the at-fault party was driving in a way that was harmful to you and others on the roadway and that their actions led to the motorcycle accident.

Assessing the impact

After taking these two critical steps, a motorcycle accident lawyer from our firm will help you account for how the accident has affected your life.

You may be seeking compensation to cover the mounting medical costs or lost wages after the accident, but you could also claim damages such as pain and suffering or emotional anguish.

We can help ensure that the damages you claim reflect all the consequences you experienced from the accident so you can work toward a fair settlement offer.

Types Of Injury Claims For Motorcycle Accidents

The type of claim you will file depends on whether you are the injury victim and filing for yourself, or you are filing on behalf of a deceased loved one who lost their life in a motorcycle accident.

Personal injury claims

Personal injury cases apply to those who are seeking direct compensation for injuries and damages from an event that was not their fault, such as a motorcycle accident. Most often, these claims end in a settlement from the insurance company, according to the American Bar Association (ABA).

When you accept a settlement offer, you do not proceed further with legal action. If you do not accept the offer, you may move forward with a personal injury lawsuit. Our team can assist you with both.

Wrongful death claims

Wrongful death claims can help the surviving loved ones of those lost to motorcycle accidents seek compensation for their loss. Motorcycles are not protected like cars and trucks are, and riders are more vulnerable to being killed in a crash.

These cases can help cover unexpected expenses, such as funeral and burial costs. They may also cover your pain and suffering, loss of your loved one’s income, and more.

What types of damages can you recover?

You may be able to recover a number of damages, depending on the expenses and losses you faced due to the motorcycle accident.

Some examples of damages you can recover from an injury claim include:

  • Lost wages, including the salary or wages you missed due to recovery, as well as any employer-paid benefits
  • Medical costs, including hospital costs, ER visit expenses, therapy, rehabilitation, and other costs
  • Mental anguish, such as the emotional pain you experience over losing a loved one unexpectedly
What Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Do For You

A motorcycle accident lawyer on our team can offer several advantages from the time you file your claim in Greeley until you accept your final settlement offer or receive a court award. For example, we will help with the following:

Collecting evidence to prove negligence

While proving negligence may seem straightforward, it can be complex to demonstrate. We will use the documentation that will best support your case and present it in a way that shows the other driver’s liability for your injuries.

Your lawyer will spend ample time poring over the police report, statements from witnesses to the scene of the accident, your medical records, and other evidence to help build a strong case for you.

Acting as your legal voice

Serious injuries from motorcycle accidents can make it difficult for you to keep up with taxing legal processes, including communicating with the insurance companies and the defendant’s lawyers.

A lawyer on our team can act as your legal mouthpiece, handling all routes of communication, as well as explaining everything to you along the way to ease your concerns.

This also helps ensure you are prepared and never make any statements that could potentially hurt your case without consulting your lawyer first.

Providing support and guidance

Working with one of our motorcycle accident lawyers can give you the peace of mind you may want as you make your way through the legal process.

You may have to make tough decisions and ask for legal advice as you proceed, so it is important to have a legal authority who can offer knowledge, experience, and guidance.

Learn How Cook, Bradford & Levy, Llc Can Help After Your Motorcycle Accident

At Cook, Bradford & Levy, LLC, our team is ready and willing to fight for a fair motorcycle accident settlement or court award on your behalf in Greeley.

Learn more when you call us today at (303) 543-1000 for a free consultation.

Client Reviews
“I was rear ended by a driver on his cell phone. I started with another attorney, but was not receiving adequate attention to my case. I switched to Brian and everything changed. He was attentive to my situation, listened to all I had to say, and worked to resolve my case in a timely fashion. He continued to communicate and touch base even during slow parts of the process. After the settlement was resolved, he has still reached out to check in on my health and well being. I would highly recommend Brian Bradford as a lawyer.” Randy
“A driver trying to get away from the police ran a red light and broadsided my car. My injuries affected me physically, emotionally and organizationally. Hiring Steve Cook allowed me to focus on healing while ALL the legal Issues were effectively handled by his firm. Steve's patience, honest, determination. competence and experienced evaluation of my case resulted in a great settlement without having to go to trial.” Shirley
“I was injured in a car accident and I was having a hard time getting much of a response from the insurance companies. I never thought I would resort to calling an attorney, but I am so happy that I did, and that Jason Levy was that attorney. He was respectful, knowledgeable, and kind. When I was healing from major surgery, he arranged for my deposition to take place all the way out in Harford County, at a library near my home, rather than having me come into the city. He was also very persistent with the other driver's insurance company, finally negotiating an excellent settlement” Kate
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